Healthy Habits for a Happier You - Newsletter 01

Healthy Habits for a Happier You Newsletter

Newsletter #01

Welcome to the first (of many) newsletters I’ll be sending you !

This is something I’ve always wanted to do, and have been putting off for quite a while now, making this a huge milestone for me.

I appreciate you submitting your email to be on the first week of it, and am excited to help you build some great habits, that will help improve your quality of life!

(Reply with the number newsletter you joined in on above)


Your Habit For The Next Two Weeks

- Increasing Water Intake -

Or, add in your own habit!

(Re-download the habit tracker here)

Humans are anywhere from 60%-80% water.

So, naturally, it’s important that we consume enough for regular processes to occur in the body. Most of the people on this newsletter at the moment, are living in places where it’s blazing hot, making this a huge priority given the time of year.

Water intake drives:

  • Fat loss

  • Cognition

  • Skin health

  • Energy levels

  • Digestive health

  • Joint health

  • Temperature regulation

  • Nutrient transport

  • Immune function

On top of MANY other important processes.

The easiest way to get more water in, is to stack it with a a cue that happens relatively often throughout your day.

  • Before & after a video call

  • Finish “x” amount before your first coffee or tea

  • Pre/post meal

  • Every time you use the washroom

So, how much water do you need?

This one is pretty simple.

Divide your bodyweight by 2, and that is your minimum level of water to aim for (in ounces) to a maximum of your full bodyweight in ounces.

From there, you can convert ounces into whichever unit of measure you prefer to, or are familiar with using.

Pro tip:

Get yourself a vessel (bottle, cup, mug) that you

  • Know how much fluid it holds

  • Can bring almost anywhere with you

  • Is easy to keep clean

  • Knowing how much it holds = you know how many you need to go through in a day

  • Bring it anywhere with you = it stays in sight (keeping the habit in mind)

  • Easy to clean = It won’t get gross & deter you from using it.

“Half bodyweight in ounces, that’s a lot of water!”

Getting half of your bodyweight in ounces might seem like you’re drinking water all day if you’re currently having less.

So, if you are having less than that amount, start with tracking how many your comfortable with, then increase by 10% or less.

In this case, the tracking itself becomes the habit, before we try to improve the habit :)

Articles I think you might find interesting!

The 5-3-1 Rule Is the Secret to Maintaining Your Social Health, According to a Harvard-Trained Social Scientist

TLDR (Too long, didn’t read) 👇

For the hard working entrepreneur, your social fitness is also top priority when it comes to overall health & improving quality of life.

5/3/1 for social health :

  • Spend time with five different people a week

  • Nurturing three close relationships

  • Aiming for one collective hour of social interaction in a day

This is not a hard fast rule; similar to 10,000 steps a day, you can work your way up to it/ is a great place to start.

My Favourite part of the article 👇

“According to a recent study in the U.S., talking on the phone for 10 minutes 2 to 5 times a week significantly lowered people's levels of lonelinessdepression, and anxiety,"

Instead of cursing our phones for separating us, let’s remember what the original intention for them actually was - to call people!


10 Things to buy to be happier


There’s a quote by (I believe it’s by) David Ramsay:

“We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.”

Though I am no mathlete, but I do appreciate rearranging & reframing quotes like this.

Here are a few options, you can consider:

  • Actually like people & have them like you, so you impress them with who you are & not what you have

  • Actually look at your bank account & budget for careless spending

  • Redefine what the word need is, so that you can justify your careless purchase

You could also, purchase the things that are in the list linked in the article above, here’s a short list below:

  1. Experiential purchases: (Travel, concerts, workshops - things that promote personal growth)

  2. Social connection enhancers (Read the TLDR version of the 5/3/1 article I mention above in this news letter)

  3. Fitness & exercise gear (Exercise & movement can be as or more effective than medication for mild to moderate depression). New gear can keep you engaged & inspired.

  4. Sleep improvement products (poor sleep is linked to decreased happiness and increased risk of depression.)

  5. Personal Development Investments (Those who look to improve themselves, report higher levels of overall well being)

  6. Indoor plants & greenery (Indoor plants can improve mood, reduce stress by creating a calming environment)

  7. Gratitude journaling (Practicing gratitude helps improve your ability to find things to be grateful for & improves optimism & better sleep habits)

  8. Meditation & mindfulness aids (Helpful to ease anxiety & depression & improve overall quality of life)

  9. Books & learning resources (Improved cognitive health through reading can increase empathy, social perception & emotional intelligence).

  10. Laughter-inducing Items (The best & my personal favourite for happiness, laughter releases dopamine & helps us strengthen bonds when we share it with those we love)

My goal as a coach is to help people improve their quality of life. When you purchase things that help to improve your experience of life, the dividend you receive comes across a lifetime of good memories surrounded by those you love when you’re able to enjoy it fully.

That’s all for today!

I’m excited to see/hear your responses & insights on the articles above & how your habits went.

Catch you in a few weeks,



Thanks for reading!

Here are a few more ways I might be able to help you:


IG: @Santo.chiappetta

X: (Formerly Twitter) @Strengthbysanto

Habit Tracker

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