The Health Recalibration Blueprint

12 weeks to build muscle, burn fat & build a body that reflects success

“ Before I started with Santo, I was overworked where I wasn’t finding a good balance to do all of the things I was trying to do.

When I started with him, I created a schedule & a way to keep me accountable which was incredibly useful in staying consistent.

Prior to doing that, there was a lot I was trying to put on my plate and achieving not much of anything”

Alejandro S -

- Down 5 Lbs in 2 weeks
- Improved FTP score 15% in 6 months for cycling.

My Journey from 2020 - 2023

In the photo on the left, I was navigating quite a bit of work stress & lack of lifestyle balance.

On the right, 3 years later I was much leaner and stronger than I was in 2023, but was still having a hard time navigating work-life balance.

In the picture on the right, I was training around 12-15 hours each week between boxing & lifting weights, however my business & social life suffered for me to be that lean/in shape.

I had to train this hard, and this often as I was not interested in attempting any sort of nutritional tracking for myself, which required much more effort from the fitness side to get me to my goals.

Fast forward to today.

- I train no more than 4 hours per week
- Spend the extra time I have on self development
- Working on building my business
- Having a social life
- Living life in a way that entails deeper more meaningful relationships with:

- Friends
- Food
- Family

& Not a restrictive unbalanced one.

The different between these two photos is about 4 pounds & a world of more fulfillment & balance.

"I've been working with Santo for the past 7 weeks, and have seen a ton of progress while being in this program!

Before I got started, 1 had been working out regularly, but really needed something that was going to help me push my results.

I needed guidance on nutrition and specific gym routines as I transitioned out of a fully class based workout routine, I wasn't sure if an online program would work and keep me accountable, but Santo has been supportive every step of the way.

Bi weekly phone calls and regular text check ins have made me feel like there is someone there supporting me and keeping me honest.

He's always super quick to respond whenever i have questions or concerns!

During the course of 7 weeks, I'm already down:

~10 lbs
- 5% body fat
- Feel more confident looking in the mirror, and notice that my clothes are fitting me better!

I'd recommend a program like this for anyone

- whether you're new to working out or have been exercising for awhile, Santo can tailor a program that will work with your needs and help tweak anything along the way!"



Check out the info on this page, then click on any of the buttons to apply.


Speak with me.
Tell me about your needs and goals; we’ll establish if and how I can help you.

STEP 3: 


Get set up with a serious plan to get you sustainable results while still enjoying your life.

 STEP 4: 

Ongoing Support

workout programs, nutrition coaching, weekly check-ins,
 & support from me whenever you need it.

Four Pillars of Success



PILLAR 1: The Lifestyle Audit

- Taking you through a review of your current wellness routines that are keeping you at your current physical plateau.

- Defining what “Health” truly means to you, so we know the goal, and can make aim for our target with certainty.

- Identify the amount of physical activity (exercise) and nutritional changes required to build the momentum to see results.


PILLAR 2: Lifestyle Calibration

- Our coping mechanisms (Binging & impulsive decision making) are rooted in deeper challenges that result in detrimental routines & habits associated with overeating & indulging.

- We work to help you replace those habits & routines with sustainable habits that transformation you to ensure physical success & results.


PILLAR 3: Nutritional Protocol

Whether your goals are to:

  • Lose Fat

  • Gain Muscle

  • Get Stronger

  • Improve Fitness

We create a nutritional protocol to compliment your goals & promote a sustainable approach that you’ll be able to carry with you beyond the program.

PILLAR 4: The Fitness Plan

After performing a movement screen to determine which exercises & movements will best suit you for your current fitness levels, we create a program specifically tailored for your goals.

  • Standard gym or Home gym

  • Building muscle & toning

  • Reducing pain & improving strength

We’ve worked with numerous individuals who have seen improvements in the above areas in as little as 4 weeks.


Hi, Im Santo Chiappetta. I’m a CSEP Certified Personal Trainer and Precision Nutrition Certified Coach.

I’ve been working as a personal trainer since 2010 and in 2015, I began working with people online.

In the years I’ve spent working with real people as well as building an online following on Instagram, I noticed that there was an endless amount of complicated and intricate ways people approached fitness that all had one thing in common - no one ever developed sustainable, long lasting results.

Working with a coach is the easiest way to cut through all of the internet BS to learn the easiest & most efficient way to finally have the body you want & sustain it for the long-term.

Have a look around this page & consider applying for my coaching program to work with me. If coaching is right for you, I look forward to meeting you!


In 2022, my Dad (Seen in the photo above) almost died. Doing the thing that Dad’s do best, he was doing everything he could to provide for his family & was putting his own health to the side.

It finally caught up to him.


It was the day after my 30th birthday party, and I got a message from my sister:
”Dads got to go to the hospital. He doesn’t look good”

When he got there, he was placed into a medically induced coma, and the doctors gave him what they later told us was a generous 50/50 chance of him making it out alive.

He spent two weeks in that state. Pacing both physically & mentally for 2 weeks, I could only think of what I might need to consider. Losing my dad at 62, and having my 30th birthday being the last memory I have with my father.

Even in writing this, I relive the discomfort I went through thinking of how my first best friend was down for the count. Every day he was under seemed like an eternity to me.

I remember after he came out of his coma, I had gone to visit him in the hospital. Watching my Dad learn how to walk again after being bed ridden for 8 weeks was a sight I couldn’t believe. My Dad, the strongest guy I knew, who could work endless hours, the strength of an Ox, my favourite childhood superhero was learning to walk - the emotions I was experiencing around this experience were un explainable.

I decided that from then on, I would make it my life’s work to help ambitious men reclaim their athleticism & physique to reflect their ambition & success in not only their career, but across all aspects of their life.