
Meeting you, Where you are

Obstacle courses, triathlons, biathlons, fund-raiser, recreational sports, semi-professional sport, professional sport, chronic pain management, skill acquisition, body composition related goals, longevity, physical literacy and life. 

The aforementioned are examples of when individuals have sought out consultation from me, to develop their physical capabilities and general capacity to do more.

How did they start their journey with me?

All the same, no matter the level of their physical literacy; each and every person started with an assessment.

An immediate thought, when the word assessment is that dreaded bathroom scale with the oh-so-fancy foot pedals that tell you what you are made of, or, some sort of physical test that by the end reassures that you are not in physical shape.

Chances are, if you are already in the facility with me, you already know that you’re looking for fitness and health-related guidance. Further reassurance from an ambiguous metric, that stops just short of humiliation doesn’t make starting, or wanting to continue the journey any easier.

So, what does the assessment entail? Well, the assessment starts long before you even entered the facility. You reached out to myself, (most likely via email) and within that contact, your choice of words gives insight into what frame of mind you are in, what it is you are looking to get out of the process, how long you have been contemplating working with a coach, as well as age, and interests all gives a very loose framework as to the external factors that can, and cannot be controlled.

We chat back and fourth, and finally, an “assessment” day has been determined. As your program will be, the assessment itself will be individual. Are you an elderly individual? May be safe to say that we aren’t trying to improve our 40-yard dash. Are you a powerlifter? We probably (I say that very loosely, maybe we will) won’t look at our Vo2 Max.

Again, the assessment has started long before we met.

Body language;

  • Do you step right into the facility? Do you tread lightly?

  • Do you take off your shoes and make yourself at home?

  • Do you feel like walking right back out of the door you came in?

  • Do you have a bag hanging off one shoulder? Ergo straps? or cool messenger bag?

  • How are you walking?

  • Are you out of breath?

  • How is your “posture”?

  • Do you speak confidently and with vigor?

  • Is your demeanour soft spoken, and timid?

Regardless of your body language, presence in the facility, accessories, gait, heart rate, joint alignment, or charisma; you are put through a physical, and lifestyle analysis for baseline purposes. Where you were, or what you used to do is behind you. You aren't going that way, so, take a peek in the rearview, but keep your eyes on what is in front of you, that's something you can actually change.

What drives you to stay with this goal, as well as what you want to improve is taken into consideration into your program; as well as support outside of the sessions themselves. After all, there are 168 hours in a week. Creating an environment for one to thrive in, comes not only in, but outside of the facility. 

What happens after the assessment?

The program developed is based on what is determined to be best for you, to get you to your goals, as well as feeling better when you leave, than when you came in.

There are going to be sessions that are for the "gram", and there will be sessions that are used for purposes of keeping the habit of coming into the gym when you're feeling bagged, and that's okay. You’re going to experience something that is challenging enough to make you feel accomplished by the end of each session, and ready to come back for more.

After all, how long can you keep to something that makes you feel like shit? 

Your program is going to cover: Joint health, mobility, stability, aerobic/anaerobic conditioning, movement, coordination and making sure your body is robust enough to deal with the environment your placing it in the other 165 hours that week. 

Oh, and you’re going to sweat pretty damn hard too.

All of this, starts with an email; how does it end? Well, it doesn’t. Like the logo shows, your physical abilities, and capabilities are infinite, and adjust to you as time continues. I simply adjust where you are on that infinite continuum. 

Real coaches do not yell, or inflict pain (always); we help you connect the dots from different points of your life. 

- Santo Chiappetta